
What are 5 basic UI Elements?

  1. Color
  2. Font
  3. Layout
  4. Size
  5. Accessibility

In your own words, explain what SASS does?

a frontend styling extension that aids in minimizing the CSS language’s complexity.

What are some benefits to SASS?

built-in functions, more variables, less complexity, and ease of usage

Describe/Explain one of the more “advanced” SASS properties below in detail?

Advanced sass is crucial since the user will be happier and it will work with a wide range of gadgets. Keyframes are referred to as fade-in. Keyframes access various informational components at various moments. Specific animation properties like duration, iteration, delay, direction, and more can be specified.

How does the number guesser game work?

A random number is produced first. The user input is then referred to and contrasted with the previously generated number using documentGetElementByID. Depending on whether the guess is higher, lower, or accurate, the actual number is compared to the guess, and several outcomes are generated.

Explain how SASS can be used to make the number guesser game look more visually appealing?

The SASS component makes the software more visually appealing by switching the background from red to green when the number is accurately predicted. Additionally, the UI is made lively and amusing by the typeface and color choices, which promotes user involvement.

Theme Changer



I changed my favicon to my friend becuase i din’t know what else to change it too

Number guessing Game