Overview of the Test

I got a 19 out of 25 on the Big Idea Quiz and this quiz took me about half of the period. This quiz was not that bad as I understood most of the information because some of the question were select all that apply and I got 1 out of the two correct and knew the information just not all. I did ask for help on some of the questions to my group members and they helped me solve the problem and get the correct answer on some of the questions

Final Score

Question 9

This was a simple mistake that I made when doing the test and after looking back over the question and see the answer I understand how to do it and why thats the answer

Question 12

This question was pretty hard for me and I didn’t really understand the question. For this Question I really guessed on the question because I didn’t know and when I asked my group for this question they didn’t know too

Question 15

This question was a hard question for me too and I didn’t understand it to well and it took me much longer to answer than the other questions

Question 18

Again this question was hard for me but I though I got this one right and was fairly confident on the answer and thinking i knew what the answer was

Question 20

To be stright I had no clue what to do for this question

Question 21

This was a simple mistake I made and I am kinda mad I got this one wrong