Overview of the Test

The test was not to bad overall and I didn’t have that bad of a time doing the test. After i did the test I looked over some of the questions that I got wrong and some of them were not reading the whole answer and simple mistake but others were actual mistakes and didn’t understand/know what or how to do the question. The whole test took me about 1 hour and allowed me to really get an understnanding of what I need to learn and know for the Ap test

My Final test Score

Question 6

I had no clue what this was and I really guessed for this question because I really didn’t know how to find the answer for this and will have to look at more of these and kinda study this question to make sure I get it correct on the AP test

Question 18

This question i went though it way to fast and read the question wrong and this one was also pretty simple but I did get this one wrong and I need to make sure i don’t make mistakes in the future

Question 21

This was another one of the simple mistake that I did though the test and this one was super easy looking back at the question and I am kinda mad at myself that I didn’t do better and get the answer correct because this was a very short sequence and not that complex.

Question 36

This question was pretty hard for me and I had a challenging time with this question, it probally took me around 10 minutes to try and understand this question and what was happening and I though that I got itcorrect and figured it out but it wasn’t correct and I got it wrong

Question 38

This question was super long and was really difficult for me atleast and I think I need to slow down and make sure I get it correct

Question 39

This question was not hard for me and I really understood how to do it I just made a simple mistake and feel really stupid because the robot questions are really easy for me and I have a good understanding of this question I just need to slow down and take my time in order to read the question correct and get the right answer