Summarry OF N@TM

I was at night at the Museum and I presented what I did to Mr. Yeung and showed him what I did for the forntend part and showed depolyment. My time fram was from 6:30 to 7:00 each one of my group members got an oppertunity to show what they did and presnt to other people that were looking around. After we presented we went around to other classes to get photos and look at the projects for other classes.

Photos From Night at the Museum

I took images from the differnet class projects that I looked at during the night. I looked at some of the 3D Animation work along with ceramics and Drawing and painting. I stayed for about an hour 30 minutes in APCSP and 30 minutes looking around at the work of classmates and friends. I looked around and took some photos of the differnet art and stuff that I saw. I have some photos of things I say and I had a fun time just looking though the differnet projects and what each of them were and just to see the work of other students.

This is a pretty cool dragon that looks like there is alot of effort and work I would love to be this create and just be able to do this and make this type of work

This drawing is really detaild and it would be cool to be able to draw this good it looks really nice and it has a bunch of dragons and the castle is really cool.

This pumkin is really cool and i really like the color and how its super shinny I really like it

This art was cool cause of the colors and the different shapes that were used and the like bubble circles and layering with color

This drawing is really sick with color and the big ben and has a ton of detail and work that was put into this drawing